Payson, AZ
Had a wonderful time in Prescott, and since leaving, have put in some rather short distances, in part because of the terrain, and in part not feeling very motivated to get anywhere. It looks like I’ll be heading to Tucson.
Payson, AZHad a wonderful time in Prescott, and since leaving, have put in some rather short distances, in part because of the terrain, and in part not feeling very motivated to get anywhere. It looks like I’ll be heading to Tucson. 4 comments to Payson, AZLeave a Reply |
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Check your email when you see this Matto. Holla.
hey como vas? se te extraNa por aqui. have you found a chipotle anywhere? even if you havent, ya casi llegas al pais de los tacos de verdad mijo!
Hola ! Matt como va la vida en Bici?
Para cuando piensas estar en la Ciudad de MEXICO? Nosotros esperamos que te comuniques a la casa
Kelly, para prepararte un lugar en tu casa.
por favor avisanos de tu llegada ya tienes mi correo:
Gracias! Cuidate!
Raul,Lupita y Levy Mena
Gracias Familia Mena! Todavia no se cuando estare llegando al DF pero les dire en cuanto pueda.