Bariloche, Argentina

A quick update from a hostel on the 10th floor of an apartment building (I tried to remember the last time I rode an elevator…). Having been mostly camping for free by the sides of rivers lately, once in a while I’ll decide I deserve to sleep indoors. But not because I like beds, in [...]

San Martin de los Andes, Argentina

Wow! January is over. I must say, I wasn’t looking forward to it too much. After 5 weeks off the bike, the last 2 of which I was recovering from being pretty sick, I knew getting back on the saddle wouldn’t be easy. I did get back into the swing of things eventually, and feel [...]

14,500, 15,000 & 15,500

14500 from Matt Kelly on Vimeo. 15000 from Matt Kelly on Vimeo. 15500 from Matt Kelly on Vimeo. The videos above were taken near Cafayate, Jachal and Malargüe, respectively.  I’ve still got a week of riding through the desert, then I look forward to being in the wetter, cooler region of Argentina.  The miles are [...]

Chicago is…

I was looking through some old pictures and I realized that I’m pretty confident that I will be back in Chicago in less than 100 days. That seems so soon! Chicago is (among many other things)…

Shave and haircut

Shave and a haircut from Matt Kelly on Vimeo. Exactly one year since I trimmed down my beard to the smallest setting using an electric buzzer (so it wasn’t quite starting from scratch). This time I got it done using an old-fashioned razor.

Photo Competition Entries

Adventure Cycling Association, an organization dedicated to promoting travel by bicycle, is holding their 2nd annual photography competition. When I passed through Missoula, Montana over a year ago I got to drop in on their offices and spent a little while talking to one of the founders, Greg Siple, which was great.  He biked from [...]