On my way

I’m almost all packed up after 4 nights here in Prince George.  I spent a while working on uploading 2 months worth of pictures, they are all organized by the highways I was on, and also by a few other themes.  Head on over to my flickr account. I still need to work on some descriptions of the pics, but at least for now you can see them.

I’ve  added a “contact me” tab to the blog as well.  Several folks have asked how to send me mail, the next chance to receive something via general delivery will be somewhere in Montana most likely, I’ll let you know as soon as I can.

I had hoped to get the map updated, but have been having trouble with the Google Map plugin.  You can see a list of Alaska and Yukon highways on wikipedia if you want to learn more about the roads I’ve been on.

I ran into the Scottish family again on Friday at the grocery store, they were going to continue biking, and are probably a few days ahead of me, but I hope to catch up to them eventually and spend some more time with them.

3 comments to On my way

  • Marlene

    Hi Matt,

    I think its awesome that you are doing this!! Good luck and I’ll be checking in on you from time to time!

    Be safe,


  • Barb Goode

    I’ve been following almost daily and think this is a great adventure. Hope getting back to more civilization won’t preclude some good scenery. Thanks for sharing all this with us via this website.

  • Yolanda Garcia

    Hello Mateo, just sending you greetings from Mexico, from the covenant church.
    I´d like to see your pictures, they must be incredibles!
    Take care y que Dios te cuide y bendiga!!!

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