Even More Observations

Even More Observations from Matt Kelly on Vimeo.

10 comments to Even More Observations

  • Ty

    Good stuff man – beautiful landscape and I love the shot of you cracking your egg on your bike frame. Incredibly cool.

  • Care Bear & Michelle

    BRODER! you’re awesome, we loved the video. I miss you! Good luck in Peru. Michelle te manda saludos. besos

  • Benj and Grams

    Saludos primo! Every time I come to visit grandma we look through your videos and read your posts. We love seeing your progress. It makes me real proud to hear of your tales in my country. Your videos continue to impress me, fantastic scenes! Espero poder conversar via Skype si tienes chance. I think my Skype name is benjamin.feijoo. We think of you and pray for you often! Un abrazo!

  • Matt, talked with your folks. They are heading “home” happy they will be flying over the border. How times flies. Your journey is beyond imagination. It will forever shape your future. God bless and keep you safe. D&B

  • Karima

    mmmmm butter…

    beautiful hills and mountains! keep it up! keep the beard!


  • Dennis Carlson

    Wonderful video! Great shots and even better editing. Loved the music and the juxtaposition of the meal cooking in the skillet with the other shots! Just one more long country and then a REALLY LLLLOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG country to go (and I guess, maybe a bit of Argentina thrown in there…May God continue to give you strength and protection.
    Dennis and family

  • Natalie

    Wow! What a life! Am I over romanticizing your trip? Is that possible?

  • Bruno

    aaaaah those famous mushrooms! caaaañon tus videos!

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